As the institute's culture,DIT awards the
students who have toped their class for each academic year.
Normally the awards are presented to
these students during the best students ceremony which is always
conducted one week prior to the institute's graduation ceremony.
This year the ceremony was conducted at
the institute function hall “ASA LOUNGE” on January 18th
,2013 in which the guest of honor were Mrs Christine Kilindu who is
the Director of Confederation of Tanzania Industries.
During the ceremony the guest of honor
together with the principal awarded the best students and also issued
a special statement to honor the Dar es Salaam Institute of
Technology Google Team,”The Google Geeks”.The Principal honored
the team for their exceptional contribution in making DIT community
active in terms of technology and urge the team to continue with the
energy they have shown so far.
Mr Ashery Mbilinyi who is the Google
Student Ambassador for DIT and the founder and leader of the
team,praised the recognition they have received by the principal and
promised to put much more energy.
“We are very happy for the
recognition we have received .We cant real say we have done a lot so
far as most of our goals are not yet accomplished. We have mapped the
whole university campus during Africa Map Up week and held 7th
position between 65 African Sub Saharan Africa Universities and held
small trainings to our fellow students about Google Apps and Google's
APIs. We have also created google groups for each class in computer
studies department as a start and deployed Google Apps for Education
with Students Organization (DITSO) domain
we are working on registering students to start using
email address which is g mail in back end. A DIT where students will
practice and live technology everyday is our dream” Ashery said
Currently the team have 8 members who
are Ashery Mbilinyi BEng10 Computer Engineering,Emmanuel Mboso BEng10
Computer Engineering,Abdul Bashiru,Elibariki Augustino,Joseph Luvanda
and Steve Mgaya who are both BEng11 Computer Engineering,Michael
Mjata BEng11 Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering and John
Mwangulangu BEng12 Computer Engineering but is open for any DIT
student passionate with tech who will want to join.
For more information please visit:
For more information please visit:
+1 Ashery!